Elbows On The Table


Elbows On The Table is the work I perform for arsist Cemre Kara

The work focuses on visualising dinner scenarios as a performative act that plays with⁠ the ideas of Western table manners. It comes from questioning the possibilities of creating different⁠ eating scenarios and behavior at the dinner table, by simply not holding our cutleries with our⁠ hands. This will allow us to explore how much change this behavior would bring to our accustomed⁠ table manners and the accepted etiquette around the dinner table.⁠

Graduation Show, Royal Academy of Art,
The Hague, Netherlands
July, 2021

This Art Fair,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
August, 2021

ArtScience Preview Show 2021, 
The Grey Space in the Middle,
The Hague,Netherlands
May, 2021